
Sun Specials

SGI Specials

HP Specials

Sun Systems

SGI Systems

HP Systems

Our Company





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 Your ALT-Text here Silicon Graphics Specials

 Your ALT-Text here

SGI Origin 3800 (3 Racks)
64 x 400MHz Processors
64 GBytes Memory (512MB DIMMS)
16 x C Bricks
4 x R Bricks
1 x I Brick
1 x P Brick

SGI Origin 2000 Rack
16 x 250MHz R10k Processors
4 GBytes Memory
2 Full Rack Routers
90 Day Warranty

Octane 2 Workstation
R12k 400 Mhz CPU
1 Gbyte Memory
18 Gbyte Internal Disk
V6 Graphics
SGI Charcoal Keyboard and Mouse
Six Month Warranty
Irix 6.5.X Pre-loaded (No CD's)
Excellent Cosmetic and Working Condition
$995 Plus Shipping

Octane Workstation
R12k 300 Mhz CPU
512 Mbytes Memory
9 Gbyte Internal Disk
Granite Keyboard and Mouse
Keyboard and Mouse Extension Cables
Locking Bar
Six Month Warranty
Irix 6.5.X Pre-loaded (No CD's)
Excellent Cosmetic and Working Condition
$695 Plus Shipping

Octane Workstation
R10k 250 Mhz CPU
256 Mbytes Memory
4 Gbyte Internal Disk
Granite Keyboard and Mouse
Keyboard and Mouse Extension Cables
Locking Bar
Six Month Warranty
Irix 6.5.X Pre-loaded (No CD's)
Excellent Cosmetic and Working Condition
$295 Plus Shipping

Available with the purchase of system above:
Upgrade 4 Gbyte disk to 9 Gbyte $45
Add 9 Gbyte Disk w/Sled $45
Add 256 Mbytes Memory (4 x 64) $20
Add 256 Mbytes Memory (2 x 128) $40
Add 512 Mbytes Memory (2 x 256) $90
Add 18 Gbyte Disk w/Sled $95




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